Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Social Media Marketing for Today – The Social Circle

The social media landscape is diverse.  Social community platforms and sites are added to the online space every month. Brands are now faced with a larger audience, using various social media applications.   Marketers are realizing a more competitive environment.  According to a 2014 study by PewResearch, 74% of the world’s population utilizes social media.  To follow are principles brands should follow to stay up-to-date with the latest social media marketing strategies and developments in order to keep a leg up on their competition. 

Social Media Diversity – Demonstrated by Dove
Awarded the First Position of The Social Circle

Developing brand or company presence on a variety of social media channels allows the brand to personally connect with prospects.   Social media presence builds long term brand loyalty.

A recent study from GlobalWebIndex indicated that about 92% of Internet users under the age of 64 had an account on at least one social network. Additionally, Internet users aren’t limiting themselves to one platform.  The average adult has accounts on 5.07 social networks.

Dove realized the value of engaging the consumer within social media, earlier than many brands.  In 2006, Rostin Ventures noted case studies of the brand as they developed grass roots campaigns in social media, to reach early Gen Y markets.   Evolution has been viewed over 17,000,000 times.  The YouTube videos were showcased and discussion groups rose among the most talented marketers online.

A model’s evolution from reality, to makeup, touchups in print to billboard are demonstrated in timelapse.  The images bring the viewer to understand: “No wonder our perception of beauty is distorted.”     

The Social Circle would like to recognize Dove and showcase the company for brand excellence in social media marketing.  

The campaign:           Imagine Beauty as a Source of Confidence

Dove has a vision of a world where beauty is a source of confidence, and not anxiety... to help the next generation of women develop a positive relationship with the way they look - helping them raise their self-esteem and realize their full potential.

“Only 4% of women around the world consider themselves beautiful.   They note that number is up from 2% in 2011.”   

The Dove campaign may be affecting these numbers.    The company website quotes, “Each time you buy Dove, you help us and our charitable partners provide inspiring self-esteem programming for girls.
We have reached more than 11 million girls so far, and with your help, we can reach our target of 15 million by 2015. “   

The company extends an invitation to the consumer:
Join the conversation to support positive self-esteem.

Dove demonstrates all principles of social media marketing, carrying traditional campaigns over to the online space with ease.  This company gains acceptance of the social media user, in a seamless transition from television, to print, to online, mobile and social media. 

Imaged-Based Marketing
Use of imaged-based social networking platforms, including Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat, is expected to become increasingly popular in 2015. Social media sites like Facebook allow users to filter their News Feed, which can limit the amount of exposure that a business receives on this site. Instagram doesn’t use an algorithm that determines what people see, and the future for this site in terms of social media marketing is bright. According to Forrester Research, Instagram posts generate over 100 times more engagement per follower than Twitter and more than 50 times more engagement than Facebook.

Dove utilizes social media platforms to communicate directly with the target market and extend their cause to support positive self-esteem.  On Instagram, Dove encourages its followers, “Be yourself.  It’s the best thing you can be.”    

They remind over 21,000 followers: 

“Today, tell a friend all the things you love about her personality.”   

As Dove welcomes over 2400 followers to their Pinterest page, the company delivers the message again: “Dove is committed to helping women realize their beauty potential by creating products that deliver real care. “   

Twitter images resonate with users.  Image shares are demonstrated by Dove as they send out daily reminders to their 141,000 followers:  You + a positive attitude = everything you need for a #HappyMonday!  The delivers a consistent brand message:  “Dove is committed to helping women realize their beauty potential by creating products that deliver real care….”

Dove drives the point home through Google+ profile, encouraging the consumer to “Embrace your real beauty and spread your wings” Clever animation of a dove soap bar wrapper is used in a paper dove that flies in and off the profile image section, to slide the headline text in.

Use of Video in Social Media

Dove leads many brands in YouTube followers.  The brand engages users to watch and respond.  As “Evolution” was released on YouTube October 2006, now watched by almost 18M viewers, Dove has evolved to reach younger generations, making an impact and encouraging women of all ages.

Legacy Video SEO Casestudy
In a recent campaign, Dove asked women what they thought about their bodies:  The description reads:
Published on Sep 30, 2014
The way a girl feels about her beauty starts with how you feel about yours. With the Dove: Legacy film we are encouraging everyone to create their own positive beauty legacy, so the girls in their lives grow up feeling confident about the way they look and reach their full potential in life. This is the mission of the Dove Self-Esteem Project, which has so far helped more than 14 million young people with body confidence education. Join us, because together we can help even more.

To learn more, visit

Until recent years, video marketing on social media revolved around YouTube. Now, video with subtle branding is beginning to pop up on other social media platforms.  Even short clips are making an impact.

Facebook has seen a large increase in its daily video views, and the audio-visual storytelling that some brands are able to create reaches the target market with compelling messages. 

Through Facebook, Dove reaches over 23,900,000 fans with a unique message:  #Love Your Curls

Company research shows only 4 out of 10 curly haired girls think their hair is beautiful.  

Dove reminds them (You are) “Perfect This Way” Take time to watch the video.  Like their pages.  This is a good cause.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile social media platforms are one of the most effective channels for getting product information out to the public. Push notifications, SMS, and in-app recommendations can easily make their way to potential customers on a one-to-one basis. Major social networking players are constantly improving their presence via mobile devices, and these apps and websites are among the most-used mobile features.

In a search on Dove, you can find just about everything you are looking for on mobile.  Coupon apps provide easy discounts and encourage sharing for those who are looking for a discount. 

The social outreach campaign provides easy applications to view content and social media properties, encouraging fans, followers, and contacts to share the love with their friends.  

Social Media Shares Rank in Search

Social media platforms are actively ranking in search results, as search engines are serving searchers with content their friends share in social media.  If your contacts on Google+ or Facebook like a page, you have a higher likelihood of that page showing up in a search result for you on Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Dove Real Beauty Sketches has  65,149,577 views on YouTube.
This tells the story and resonates with most women.   Of course my contacts like it.  The video was one of the first search results I saw in a mobile or desktop search for Dove.

Published on Apr 14, 2013
Join the conversation at: #WeAreBeautiful
Watch the whole experience at:

Women are their own worst beauty critics. Only 4% of women around the world consider themselves beautiful. At Dove, we are committed to creating a world where beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety. So, we decided to conduct a compelling social experiment that explores how women view their own beauty in contrast to what others see. 

And don't forget: YOU are more beautiful than you think!

Watch the videos.  View the social profiles.  
We are proud to showcase this work and the cause.   

We encourage you to share this article with your friends.   Of course – fellow marketers, please share with your colleagues.   Feel free to comment on this article and note any case studies you would like us to review for The Social Circle at  We look forward to your comments.

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