New year resolutions traditions fit the entrepreneurial mold because focus determines reality. Working on various projects simultaneously - this entrepreneur begins each day making lists and completes a day checking them off. The list of 2017 Top 10 Resolutions began early this year with a question which remains in effect: Should this year’s resolutions list include your top 10, a summary of just a few or any number of your choice?
Why Make New Year Resolutions?
We make promises to ourselves and others with great intentions. This year, we are making a commitment. This year let’s hold ourselves accountable. This is not just a slight promise over a glass of champagne- although those can stem from good intentions as well.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the latest neuroscience research suggests that spreading resolutions out over time is the best approach. However, most entrepreneurs would contend that this is 2009 research and that we can get more done these days. After all, we are multitaskers, high achievers; we can press on!
Reflecting on The Past is GoodIn 2016 I celebrated my 50th birthday surrounded by family and friends in New York. I met 75 people from 37 countries. I traveled to review and showcase top hotels, restaurants and destinations of cities visited by US Travelers. I also launched 3 companies, brought on new clients and partners. I helped bury my father and reunited with family members who impacted my life. I gave back and helped others. I failed, succeeded, and learned more than I ever have before.
Entrepreneurs: Your Focus Determines Your RealityEvery year, we evaluate a list of financials, utilization rates on staff involvement and costs involved against potential and current upside. This year we have many options and directions - too many to choose from. In this case, 2017 resolutions will include a decision to focus - to bring a few very high potential projects to fruition.
Last year, I resolved to give back, be happier and spend more time with family. I spoke at my alma mater - spending a few days with over 800 students, went on more family trips and commissioned artwork… all of which make me very happy.
Failure? Too many projects. The business took on too much too quickly, spreading my time and focus too thin. I found myself waking up every day at 4 AM naturally without an alarm clock. Some would find that commendable, although most found it to be crazy. I would have to agree with the latter and cannot buy into the fact that the older you get, the earlier you awake.
2017 New Year Resolutions of This Entrepreneur
Top 10 - In no related order.
- Spend time with family: immediate family, and extended family reunited.
- Make a difference in a new person’s life each month.
- Meet 100 people from 30 countries.
- Grow company margin : more employees does not equal more margin.
- Invest in best interests. Gain interest from work.
- Create new artwork every week : new works, no molds of past projects.
- Travel to new places.
- Showcase local businesses.
- Go to Barre Class every week. No exceptions!
Be happy with the here and now. Laugh more.
The Summary
Mind - Focus. Create something every day.
Body - Bring health goals to fruition.
Stay Spirited. Laugh More.
Focus on HappinessTo summarize the top list 2017 resolutions, mind, body and spirit should prevail. Happiness should matter most. What makes me happy improves the mind, body and serves spirit. 2016 brought many truths to this equation. 2017 has great potential to reach new heights, with focus.
The Origins of New Year’s Resolutions: The Odds Matter.At the end of the Great Depression, about a quarter of American adults formed New Year's resolutions. At the start of the 21st century, about 40% did.[1] In fact, according to the American Medical Association [(AMA)], approximately 40% to 50% of Americans participate in the New Year's resolution tradition from the 1995 Epcot and 1985 Gallop Polls [2] It should also be noted that 46% of those who endeavor to make common resolutions (e.g. weight loss, exercise programs, quitting smoking) were over 10-times more likely to have a rate of success as compared to only 4% who chose not to make resolutions. [3]